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What Clients Receive
We provide 3-5 days of emergency food for our clients based on the number of people in the household The food that we distribute at the Irving Park Community Food Pantry is meant to supplement other food that clients may be able to purchase through other means (WebSNAP benefits, etc.). Clients with pets in their household may also receive pet food.
Service Area
The Irving Park Community Food Pantry serves individuals and families in the 60618 and 60641 ZIP codes. Clients who do not live within our pantry service area will be served once and referred to the pantry which serves the zip code/service area in which they live. There are over 600 food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters in the Chicago area that are network members of the Greater Chicago Food Depository.
Must live within the 60618 or 60641 ZIP codes.
Must attest to being within the U.S.D.A. income guidelines.
This information is provided when a client registers.
What to Bring
Proof of name and address (a valid driver's license, state ID, mail, etc.).
Provide the number of people in the household.
How Often Can I Receive Food?
Families and individuals may receive food assistance once a calendar month.
Inclement Weather
Please call the Pantry if the actual temperature is "0" degrees or below, or when 6 inches or more of snow has fallen in the previous 24 hours to confirm that the Pantry is open.
Community Resources
In addition to providing food to our clients, the Pantry may refer them to other resources that may help them with their current situation. There are a multitude of social service agencies in the City of Chicago, some are listed below. Our Client Services Coordinator can provide up-to-date resources and referrals.
311 Short-Term Assistance Hotline: Provides callers with a list of possible resources for such issues as utility bills, rent assistance, etc. Call 311 and ask for ask for “Short-Term Help.” TTY access for callers with hearing problems and specialized TTY equipment: (312) 948-6817.
Catholic Charities: Provide a variety of social services
City of Chicago Domestic Violence Helpline: Provides assistance for those involved in domestic violence situations.
Chicago Department of Human Services: Provides a variety of services including the
shelter system in the City of Chicago.
Consumer Notice: Offers a food-safety guide that discusses causes and symptoms of food poisoning and provides food-safety recommendations. (https://www.consumernotice.org/products/food-safety-guide/)
Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC): Focuses on job training and workforce development.
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois: Provides mental healthcare and other social services
Meals on Wheels: provides older Americans nutritious meals and safety checks at little to no cost. Cut and paste this address to visit: https://www.retireguide.com/retirement-life-leisure/senior-housing/aging-in-place/meals-on-wheels/
Metropolitan Family Services: Provides social services
Milavetz Law: provides an extensive guide about helping children through a divorce, including information on how a child’s mental health can be affected during a divorce and ways the people around them can help.
Old Irving Park Community Clinic: provides free healthcare to eligible clients
Polish American Association: Provides a variety of services to Polish speaking individuals.
Salvation Army: Provides a variety of social services